Wednesday, February 8, 2012

High Highs Live

I saw the High Highs live last week at Pianos, a small venue on the Lower East Side here in New York City. I've been following these guys for the past few months and have really loved their self-titled four song EP. I liked it enough that it made my list of top ten albums of 2011 (which I'll have to post about soon).

Overall I was extremely impressed with their live set and really love their overall sound and style – simple guitar, keyboard & percussion with a focus on vocals and beautifully simplistic two part harmonies weaved throughout. Think Simon & Garfunkel meet 2012, with a drummer. Or something similar...

I had a chance to speak with Jack, the lead singer/guitarist in between opening sets and he couldn't have been cooler. He's originally from Australia and came to NYC a couple of years back to pursue music, currently living in Brooklyn and working at a studio during the day. He was very humble and appreciative that I'm a fan. Made me like them even more.

Their album drops later this month, or so Jack told me. I don't know any details beyond that...

Here's a video I took on my phone of "Open Season." Enjoy!

1 comment:

erin said...

i think i'm in love with them. please tell me what else i need to be listening to.